Traffic signals along 5th Avenue near Greenwood Cemetery being unveiled on the morning of July 9. Two cyclists ride northbound lane along 5th Avenue on the long-awaited repaved surface.
Of course, we have to leave Bay Ridge once in a while. The best route for northbound cyclists is along 5th Avenue. Ridge Boulevard (2nd Ave) only goes up into the 30's and becomes quite bumpy around the Bush Terminal buildings (for the aficionados, that is another post). 3rd Avenue is as fast as a superhighway and 4th Avenue is very busy with 3 lanes of traffic each way, north of 65th Street. 5th Avenue is the only continuous choice on the west side of Greenwood Cemetery.
The area of 5th Ave that finally reopened extends between 23rd Street and 36th Street. A long-term drainage and utility project had been underway for well over a year. I don't have any shots of the conditions, but is was in place long enough for Google Streetview to capture the conditions.
In fact, here is a link to the Google Maps Streetview at the end of the 5th Avenue bicycle lane at 23rd Street. Guess who is there... a bicyclist!,+NY+11209&cid=0,0,9363951119781604718&ei=5_IzTKCzFoG8lQeYh8G-Cw&ved=0CB4QnwIwAA&layer=c&cbll=40.660446,-73.994361&panoid=hAiaP0j8Kvjvcb2bH3vYbQ&cbp=12,204.63,,0,15.96&ll=40.660522,-73.994272&spn=0,0.018861&z=16
North of 23rd Street, northbound and southbound lanes extend into Greenwood Heights and Park Slope. How great it would be to have a connection into Bay Ridge!
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